What can I use this scholarship money for?

The $1,000 award can be used for any education-related purpose. This includes tuition and fees, housing expenses (on-campus and off-campus rent, utility bills, etc.), books and supplies - anything that aids in paying for your college needs.

How do you choose the recipients?

Our Scholarship Committee consists of CRHS Alumni that volunteer to grade applicants using a provided rubric. We ensure that the Scholarship Committee members have no conflicts of interest when it comes to applicants before they are chosen as volunteers. Every document submitted aids in the process of choosing the recipient and is carefully considered.

What are some tips for the writing the essay?

You may only be thinking about finally graduating high school in a few weeks. However, we are looking for you to think about what happens after you graduate college in 2, 4, or more years. Imagine you are walking across the stage: What are your next steps?

  • Focus on what your studies will give you after college. What skills will you acquire? How is your career going to make a difference in the world? What are you looking to learn and how will you use it?

  • Think about the impact you will make in your family. If you are a first-generation college student, what kind of change are you looking to make in your family? If you are not a first-generation college student, what does your step into higher education add to your family?

  • The goal of higher education is often times a job but consider your future career beyond a paycheck. Will you be joining an industry you have a passion for? Are you looking to be part of a team at a company/organization that inspires you? Maybe you want to be your own boss - what kind of company/organization do you want to start?

If i am not a Carter-Riverside senior, can I apply?

Unfortunately, we are not accepting applications for anyone who is not a CRHS senior student. We plan to continue to offer this scholarship and expand it to broaden the reach of seniors we can assist. Also, we are looking to fund scholarships for CRHS alumni who are in college already - stay tuned!